I have to confess that I wasn't a huge fan of the Longchamp's fabric iconic bags as an everyday bag. But as soon as the brand started the new colaborations, new materials, new colours, etc I started to become more and more interested and now I can tell you that I love their new bags specialy the bright colourfull leather ones that Alexa Chung presents. It's hard to decide but I think that my favourite is the yellow one :)
In Paris, everybody was crazy for these bags, there was always a huge queue at Galleries Laffayete to get in their store! The bags have a lot of high points: they're big which means that it can transport everything that you need for those busy days, they also have the same particularity of the fabric ones, they can be folded so they become super small and super easy to transport even inside of another bag.
Devo confessar que nunca fui uma grande fã das malas icónicas de tecido da Longchamp como carteira de dia-a-dia. Porém, assim que começaram a aparecer as novas colaborações, os novos materiais, as novas cores, etc eu fui ficando mais e mais interessada e hoje em dia adoro as novas malas da Longchamp especialmente as de pele colorida que a Alexa Chung apresenta. É didícil decidir mas eu acho que a minha favorita é a amarela :)
Em Paris toda a gente andava doida por estas malas, nas Galerias Laffayete havia sempre uma fila enorme para aceder ao espaço da marca! As carteiras têm imensos pontos positivos: são suficientemente grandes para carregar tudo o que precisamos num dia-a-dia muito atarefado, têm também a mesma particularidade que as de pano, são dobráveis ficando bem pequeninas o que as torna muito fáceis de transportar mesmo dentro de outro saco.
Jeremy Scott for Longchamp:
Image sources: bagfetishperson.blogspot.com, mariaguedeslisboa.clix.pt, vogue.co.uk, carvenus.com, blog.longchamp.com, alfinetesdemorango.com, nymag.com